Intro to Podman

With the latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and one of its continuing features is Podman. Podman offers an experience similar to the Docker command line, allowing users to run standalone (non-orchestrated) containers without requiring a daemon, enabling us to say goodbye to big fat daemons. Podman also complements similar container tools such as Buildah and Skopeo, offering a comprehensive and flexible toolkit for your container needs.

Podman implements nearly all the Docker CLI commands. Additionally, Podman's design, which does not require any background daemons, makes it a suitable choice for integration into system services via systemd. For container orchestration, you might want to explore Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

We'll cover some real examples to show how easy transitioning from the Docker CLI to Podman can be. (See also: Transitioning from Docker to Podman)

Podman installation

If you are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, follow the step below. This command will also work for CentOS, where Podman is available in the default repo for CentOS 7 and 8. If not, you can try our interactive lab on how to deploy a container using Podman.

To install the podman package, simply execute the command:

$ yum install -y podman

This command will install Podman and also its dependencies. Now you can start experimenting with Podman!

Command-line examples

Run a UBI (Universal Base Image) Container

Let's start by running a UBI (Universal Base Image) container. Assuming you are on a RHEL system, execute the below command. After you see the shell prompt, you are inside the running UBI container.

$ podman run -it sh
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Checking if image destination supports signatures
Copying blob 33b9f09cff46 done  
Copying config e7236a3e07 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Now you have a RHEL container running. You can use the ls command to list non-hidden files in the current directory and exit to leave the container's shell.

sh-5.1$ ls 
afs  boot  etc   lib    lost+found  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var
bin  dev   home  lib64  media       opt  root  sbin  sys  usr
sh-5.1$ exit

You can now explore various Podman commands to check the status of your containers and delete containers or images as needed.

To view the status of your containers, execute:

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                       COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS                    PORTS       NAMES
1d49374d4964  sh          10 minutes ago  Exited (0) 2 minutes ago              loving\_mendeleev second ago reverent\_torvalds

To remove a container, use the podman rm command followed by the container ID:

$ podman rm 1d49374d4964

To remove an image, use the podman image rm command followed by the image name:

$ podman image rm
Deleted: e7236a3e070f267713ad79c451b8628166abc0bc9c855f624619e099ec3faa99

As you can see, we used the same syntax as we'd use with docker.

Run a MariaDB persistent container

Let's move on to a more complicated example: running a MariaDB 10.5 SQL database server container with custom variables and persistent data.

First, download the MariaDB container image and inspect its details:

$ podman pull
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 818ec8e8ed03 done  
Copying config 9a79847e85 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Now, you can use podman images to view the image we've just downloaded.

$ podman images
REPOSITORY                 TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED         SIZE  10.5        76a5b2d8081a  3 weeks ago     399 MB

This is because container filesystems are ephemeral, meaning once the container is removed, all the data associated with it is lost, we'll create a new volume to hold database data. Then, if we don't already have mysql to work with the data in MariaDB, we can also install it using yum.

$ podman volume create mariadb\_data
$ yum install -y mysql

And finally, let's run this container, running Podman with the following flags: -d for detached mode (in the background), -e for setting environment variables, -p for port assignment, -v to route the volumes, and use the previously downloaded MariaDB image.

$ podman run --name mariadb -e MYSQL\_ROOT\_PASSWORD=pass -p 3306:3306 -v mariadb\_data:/var/lib/mysql -d

Now, we can list the current running containers with podman ps.

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                   NAMES
00388490e13e  mysqld      25 seconds ago  Up 26 seconds>3306/tcp  mariadb

As you can see, the container is up and running, but what is it doing? Let's check using podman logs, and doing a grep with head to see the most recent activity in the logs.

$ podman logs 00388490e13e | head
2023-06-08 18:10:09+00:00 \[Note\] \[Entrypoint\]: Entrypoint script for MariaDver 1:10.11.3+maria~ubu2204 started.B Server 1:10.11.3+maria~ubu2204 started.
2023-06-08 18:10:10+00:00 \[Note\] \[Entrypoint\]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'
2023-06-08 18:10:10+00:00 \[Note\] \[Entrypoint\]: Entrypoint script for MariaDB Server 1:10.11.3+maria~ubu2204 started.
2023-06-08 18:10:10+00:00 \[Note\] \[Entrypoint\]: Initializing database files

Ah! It just started and has initialized its database. Now, to get the IP address of the container and connect to it using TCP, we can use a podman inspect command.

$ podman inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mariadb

Perfect, now we can run the mysql client using the server address like so, and using the password pass we set when running this MariaDB container.

$ mysql -h -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \\g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.5.5-10.5.20-MariaDB-1:10.5.20+maria~ubu2004 binary distribution

Within the MariaDB container, we can run regular commands that we would on any MySQL server.

| Database           |
| information\_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance\_schema |

mysql> CREATE DATABASE test;
Query OK, 1 row affected

| Database           |
| information\_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance\_schema |
| test               |

Perfect. With everything looking good, we can exit the MariaDB server.

mysql> exit;

Once finished with it's usage, we can also kill the container with podman kill, and destroy it as well.

$ podman kill mariadb
$ podman rm mariadb

Doing a quick podman ps, we can see there are no running containers, but let's start a new container to check for data persistence:

$ podman run --name mariadb -e MYSQL\_ROOT\_PASSWORD=pass -p 3306:3306 -v mariadb\_data:/var/lib/mysql -d

Now, we can check to see if the container has started again.

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND     CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                   NAMES
f854d9bdfa38  mysqld      4 seconds ago  Up 4 seconds>3306/tcp  mariadb

Being a new container, we'll again need to get the IP address of the container and connect to it.

$ podman inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mariadb

Let's go ahead and check the MariaDB server again to ensure our database persisted through the removal of the container earlier, using password pass.

$ mysql -h -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \\g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.5.5-10.5.20-MariaDB-1:10.5.20+maria~ubu2004 binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

| Database           |
| information\_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance\_schema |
| test               |

mysql> exit;

Great! Looks like our data has persisted, and the new database still is showing through the new container provision. Let's now stop and kill the container to tidy up.

$ podman kill f854d9bdfa38

Manage containers as system services through systemd and Podman

Finally, we'll create a simple systemd resource for handling the previously created MariaDB container, which will allow your system to manage your Podman container just like any other system service.

First, we need to create a systemd resource file for handling the brand new container service.

$ vim /etc/systemd/system/mariadb-container.service

Then, we'll paste the following content into the file. This simple service definition will attempt to remove an existing mariadb container before starting a new one, and is configured to always restart the service if it stops.

Description=MariaDB Podman container

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/podman rm "mariadb"
ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --name mariadb -e MYSQL\_ROOT\_PASSWORD=pass -p 3306:3306 -v mariadb\_data:/var/lib/mysql -d
ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop "mariadb"


Save and close the file by selecting esc then :wq, then we can reload the systemd catalog and start the service.

$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start mariadb-container

Let's view the status of the service as well.

$ systemctl status mariadb-container
● mariadb-container.service - MariaDB Podman container
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mariadb-container.service; dis>
     Active: deactivating (stop) since Thu 2023-06-08 19:08:29 UTC; 4s >
    Process: 4910 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/podman rm mariadb (code=exited,>
    Process: 4919 ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --name mariadb -e MYSQL>
   Main PID: 4919 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS); Control PID: 5004 (p>
      Tasks: 8 (limit: 48881)
     Memory: 18.6M
        CPU: 373ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/mariadb-container.service
             ├─5000 /usr/bin/conmon --api-version 1 -c 56cef5dded60b040>
             └─5004 /usr/bin/podman stop mariadb

Let's go ahead and stop the service for now, we can also use the command systemctl enable mariadb-container to start it automatically at boot.

$ systemctl stop mariadb-container

Awesome! We just set up a custom system service based on a container managed through Podman.


In summary, Podman is a powerful container management tool that serves as an alternative to the Docker command-line interface. With its daemonless architecture, it offers a lightweight and efficient solution for running standalone containers. Podman's compatibility with Docker CLI commands and its ability to integrate with system services through systemd make it a versatile choice for container orchestration and management. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @cedricclyburn for more cloud-native tutorials!